Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. Would you believe she is already halfway done with kindergarten? I don't know where in the world the time has gone. Susie has made some tremendous progress and far exceeded our expectations in kindergarten this semester. She has had some wonderful Paras, Teachers, and a Speech Pathologist that have made school a huge success for Susie. She loves to go to school, knows her routine well, and works hard when she is there. She also makes sure her voice is heard when she is not satisfied with something, an`d we know how loud that can be!
Susie's Learning Journey
As a special education teacher, I have helped many parents and students navigate learning challenges. I invite you to join me as we enter our own journey of learning difficulties as we help our non-verbal child learn to grow and communicate to the best of her abilities.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!
Thursday, August 29, 2024
Just like that, Summer is over and we are 2 weeks into school!! I had so much anxiety about the change this school year would bring! Sam started 7th grade, Sally 5th grade, and Susie Claire headed to Kindergarten. I was nervous for Susie and I to be in the same building, and sending your baby to kindergarten is hard, no matter what.
Susie has done amazing so far. She is getting into a good sleeping routine and is making it through the day without a nap. She is cooperating to get her hair done and clothes on in the mornings. She was not getting up until about 10 so this is a big change. She walks down the hall and carries her own backpack. She loves the paras and teachers and is responding well in therapies. She's eating well at lunch and loves the playground. This week she even pooped on the big girl potty! She is utilizing her AAC more as well!
Coloring in Art Class
Playing with her paras.
I try my best to not let her see me, and to not respond when I hear her (happy or mad). I do peek in every once in a while and watch her swing at recess from a window! After school she waits for me with a para and then I either take her straight home or she sits at a table and has a snack while she waits for me. She has done so well so far, and I can't wait to see how much she grows this year!
Thursday, July 25, 2024
Tuesday, July 23, 2024
In this post I want to address Susies routines and behaviors. In the past few weeks, we have had some situations in which people think Susie can't/shouldn't be made to follow rules. However, we have also had a few instances where people don't realize that sometimes she's doing the best she can in the situation she's been placed in.
Every child is different and fulfilling their wants and needs is often trial and error. Susie thrives off of routine and structure. Despite her inability to speak, Susie knows right from wrong, and can follow directions. However, that doesn't mean she always likes what she's hearing. This sometimes leads to fit throwing or crying. A major misconception is that non verbal = quiet, and that's far from the case with Susie!
For a long time, I was nervous to take Susie places because she does have a difficult time in some situations. However, we have learned how to accommodate her needs, and avoid situations that could lead to a melt down. Like driving by the pool with no intention to stop and swim!
Just this summer, Susie has learned that at the pool we take a break every hour and get a snack. She has never done this before, and it was not popular at first, but she now does it with little fuss. Susie has also learned that at Casey's (her favorite place in the world) she must give the cashier her snack before she can have it back. Last week, she even gave them money to pay for her snack. Susie also knows that the gate to our front porch should be shut, and if it's not she takes care of it. She does the same with all the bedroom doors. Susie is also responding to "come here" "can I have a hug?" "bring me a cup" and "time for a bath." Susie is following the command of "sit down" and is holding hands really well in public. Susie has also started to respond to "tell me you are sorry," by giving us a hug when she has done something unkind.
I would be lying if I said Susie never has fits anymore because she absolutely does. However, I feel the more people that know her are eager to accommodate her and assist us in anything we need. Sometimes that means giving Susie the chips right out of your mouth or a swipe of your cake icing!
We have had a few run ins in the last few weeks in which I wanted to give people a lesson on having compassion. But most of the time, people we encounter who know our story are wonderful and nurturing.
Since Susie was officially diagnosed with Autism I have felt a sense of validation and acceptance. I have mentioned it before but once we learned to live in Susie's world she is thriving!
Thank you for reading along and sharing in our story! If you see me in public and have a question, please don't be afraid to ask. I love sharing our story and often times I learn from those conversations too! ❤️
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
Sweet Summertime
Summer is here and it's Susie's favorite time of year, POOL TIME. Susie adores the pool, specifically the Hamilton Pool.
For the most part, Susie has always loved water, and has had zero fear. She has always liked baths, except for one point in time when she was terrified (we think it was maybe the drain that scared her).
Susie has always been good about wearing her puddle jumper at the pool. Which I now realize is because she probably likes the compression it provides! We are thankful she likes it, because she will jump into any area, whether we are there or not! She is not afraid of getting her face wet, and will move her arms in a swimming motion.
Susie is a very routined gal. Once you start something with her, you need to expect to spend every waking moment doing that activity. Don't even consider driving past the pool, it won't work in your favor. No, Susie can't tell us when she wants to go to the pool. However, it becomes obvious when her puddle jumper, water shoes, swimsuit, and sunscreen wind up in your lap!
While at the pool, Susie picks a route, and repeats that route until it's snack time. Her route is different every time. It usually includes jumping in at the same place, climbing out at the same place, or walking to an area of the pool to stand! This year, we are trying to enforce break time. In the past she has been able to stay in the pool during break, but this year we are making her get out! She doesn't always like this idea!
When Susie is ready for a snack, she runs to the window, and the concession stand workers wait until we come with money! Most of the time we will give Susie two choices and she will pick what she wants. Sometimes, she helps herself to other people's food. Thank goodness for a small town!
Now, being around water is not always a fun time for Susie. She mostly likes her pool, and her pool only. She gets overwhelmed at a new and unfamiliar place. Susie also hates sprinklers, fountains, or water hoses. She cannot stand a shower or a splash pad. If she thinks we are turning the shower head on she gets violent and runs away! She will dip her head in a bucket of water but will not tolerate being sprayed! The best explanation I have for this is that she cannot process the sensation of the water being sprayed on her and it overwhelms her.
That being said, Susie is quite curious about the shower and will stand outside the curtain while we are in the shower, but doesn't offer to get in! She also has been interested in rain and one night during a rain storm we sat on the porch and she purposefully put her hand in the rain to feel it! This is a huge step for her!
We did have one scary incident at a friend's pool last summer in which Susie jumped into the pool without a puddle jumper. She knew what to do and was headed to the ladder as her dad jumped in to get her. Since she couldn't tell us how she felt, we headed to the ER where they checked her vitals, and all was well. We now put the puddle jumper on as we leave the car, and take it off when we get back in the car seat!
Thank you for continuing on this journey with us! I have had some people reach out with questions, please don't ever hesitate to ask me anything. We love sharing our story and learning and growing with our friends and family!
End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!
Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...

Warmer days are coming, and boy is Susie happy about it! She is spending a lot of time outside and on the trampoline or playing with bubble...
Just like that, Summer is over and we are 2 weeks into school!! I had so much anxiety about the change this school year would bring! Sam st...
Hello friends, We have been MIA, but not for lack of action, we have been busy. We have been sick on and off for about three weeks now. We...