Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. Would you believe she is already halfway done with kindergarten? I don't know where in the world the time has gone. Susie has made some tremendous progress and far exceeded our expectations in kindergarten this semester. She has had some wonderful Paras, Teachers, and a Speech Pathologist that have made school a huge success for Susie. She loves to go to school, knows her routine well, and works hard when she is there. She also makes sure her voice is heard when she is not satisfied with something, an`d we know how loud that can be!
As a special education teacher, I have helped many parents and students navigate learning challenges. I invite you to join me as we enter our own journey of learning difficulties as we help our non-verbal child learn to grow and communicate to the best of her abilities.
Sunday, January 5, 2025
End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!
September was a good month for Susie, it was her first full month of school at Hamilton. She was busy adjusting to the new routine and going to school with mom and Sally.
Susie loves to play with toys at school!
Although we don't promote it, some days this girl just has to have a nap!
Susie loves to swing at recess!
Pictures are always hard, and picture day was no exception!
Susie had an assembly at school in which she stayed for a little while!
The Hornet Mascot came to visit!
More swinging!
First time on a school bus to the school Petting Zoo
Her favorite class is P.E. and she loves the gym, this was a photo from a Taylor Swift Dance Party!
This last photo was at a family outing to JC Penney days. This picture does not show the sheer joy that this girl experienced this day. It was a foam party for the whole town. I did not think she would respond well to this, as she doesn't normally love this kind of sensory activity and there were a lot of people in attendance. Boy was I wrong, she had so much fun, and I looked like a fool crying as she played!
October brought some beautiful weather and some new firsts for Susie. Thankfully she was still able to wear dresses because she was not tolerating pants very well at this point. The paras would put pants on her for recess and then take them back off for the remainder of the day. She dressed up in costume for Halloween and even went to a trunk or treat to get candy! I don't have a picture, but October is also the month that Susie started eating lunch at the table with her classmates. She has done extremely well with this and has only stolen French fries from a friend once!
Susie brought a new water toy to school and her, and her friend loved playing together. This was a big deal because Susie doesn't like to share!
Susie attended church for 4-H week as she is now a Clover Kid!
Susie painted during art class! Going to art class with Susie is challenging because she tries to put everything in her mouth so her para always has to be on their toes!
Susie declares our kitchen bench as her own, and this area often looks like this. Yes, I confiscated the Windex right after this photo!
This was another day when a nap was necessary. She ended up not feeling very well this day. That is a weighted blanket that was used to help her relax.
Susie spent the weekend with Dad while mom, Nana, and the big kids were in Columbia! She got spoiled!
Susie got her painting project done and is pictured her with our beloved art Teacher!
This girl always loves doing puzzles.
We were shocked when she put on this crayon costume and entered a costume contest at a trunk or treat. She walked up to the stage all by herself when her name was called.
Susie and dad ate a good lunch at a local picnic!
Trunk or Treating at a local church. She walked all the way around and was very patient about collecting the candy in her bag.
We have established an after-school routine in which Susie and sits at a table to eat a snack while I finish my work for the day.
We didn't think a costume would work all day, so I found this adorable Halloween dress!
Susie and her Teacher, Mrs. Zorn made a spider craft together!
The highlight of the whole month is when they got her to put her witches costume on to trick or treat at school. Nana altered this little dress for her, and we could not be more excited that she allowed us to put it on her. She did not enjoy trick or treating at school as much, she just wanted to eat candy.
As always, thank you for all the continued love and support for our sweet girl. Every day is an adventure, and we are sure glad you are all on this journey with us. Stay tuned for November and December where Susie did even more exciting things!
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End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!
Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...

Warmer days are coming, and boy is Susie happy about it! She is spending a lot of time outside and on the trampoline or playing with bubble...
Just like that, Summer is over and we are 2 weeks into school!! I had so much anxiety about the change this school year would bring! Sam st...
Hello friends, We have been MIA, but not for lack of action, we have been busy. We have been sick on and off for about three weeks now. We...
Jami. We love hearing and watching Susie grow. She is an amazing young lady and God knew what he was doing making you and Ty her Momma and Daddy. We love you and your little family