Friday, September 15, 2023


A lot of life has happened in the last few weeks, and I have neglected to write any posts about Susie. School started back up, I started my 11th year of teaching, Sam started 6th grade, and Sally started 4th. Susie started her second year at UCP and made the switch to afternoons with new teachers. Life has been very busy and hectic. 

Susie is doing well at school and within the next week or so, she should have her AAC device (an iPad that helps her talk). Susie's preschool wrote a grant for the app, and we purchased the iPad that we will use to run the app. We had a bit of a setback when the iPad broke, and we had to get a replacement. Susie's speech pathologist is working to get it set up so that we can begin to use the device in everyday life. 

Susie continues to grow and do new things daily. Susie is starting to show a preference for things by pushing the undesired item away from her. She helped pick out an outfit for the first football game of the season by pushing away the shirt she didn't want. She continues to do puzzles and is getting quite good at them. She is constantly getting positive reports from school, and she is interacting more and more each day. She is also exploring her classroom more and trying new activities. 

Susie sometimes has a hard time in public places, and we aren't quite sure what causes her to be unsettled. We think that maybe large groups of people scare her, and she often wants to be held by Ty and I while around crowds. We are trying to figure out ways to help her, but we have yet to figure out what triggers her to be upset. 

Although I have been quiet on this platform for a few weeks, that doesn't mean Susie has been quiet. That girl keeps us on our toes and is a constant source of entertainment. Her language delay sometime makes it difficult to know exactly what she needs or wants, but Susie knows how to get her point across. It is so fun to watch her turn into a happy fun-loving big girl. Stay tuned for more stories because this girl literally never slows down. 

Thank you for being here, and for praying for us. We love all of you. 

End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!

 Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...