Monday, October 9, 2023

Outings with Susie

                      Playing with her iPad while we wait! 

                                Watching the penguins!
                                       Pretzel time! 
                                    Good and relaxed!
                                    Playground time!
                                   Tickles from dad!
                                      Time for pizza!
                         Watching the fish at the aquarium. 

   I am going to be raw and honest for a second, taking Susie places is not always easy. If she is unfamiliar with where she is going or is asked to sit in a stroller/wagon it makes for a very long day. Often times it's a guessing game of what she needs to help her settle down. Ty and I usually take turns lugging her around and it's hard on our backs as she gets older. Often times we dread to take her places for fear she will be upset with a new environment.

  Susie gets scared of grocery carts and does not like events that are outside. She gets nervous around automatic hand dryers and doesn't like places with lots of people. She most definitely doesn't like fire or loud noises. However loud places like Chuck E Cheese or a trampoline park don't bother her. We have been on a quest to make outings easier on her, and us. 

  At school Susie wears a compression belt most of the day. At first, I wasn't sure why she would need it. When we went to loud places that were over stimulating she seemed to be fine. However the teachers explained that she often asked for it by handing it to them. After several outings where she wanted to be held we decided to order the same one she uses at school. It is called a bear hug. I have to admit, I was skeptical but we decided to give it a try. 

   A few weeks ago, I did something I rarely ever do, and took all three kids grocery shopping. Knowing Susie hates the cart, we knew we would have to work quickly. I brought her belt and put it on her before sticking her in a cart. We got about half way through the store before I realized Susie was doing good. I decided not to mention it and we kept shopping. Susie did wonderful, never cried, got upset, or wanted out of the cart. My mom and I were amazed. I thought there was no way the belt helped THAT much. 
   So, we decided to really test it out by going to the Kansas City zoo this past weekend. We packed her favorite snacks, juices, and a pillow for her to sit on in her wagon. We put her belt on right when we got there. Fast forward 6 hours later, and Susie rode almost the entire time. She did not cry, she did not fuss. She ate her snacks and drank her juice reclined in her wagon. She actually paid attention to animals, and overall she was a perfect girl! I'm still not sure the science behind it, or if the belt will work forever but it sure has made a difference in the few outings we have used it!


End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!

 Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...