Monday, December 11, 2023

Christmas Program at School

 Last week, Susie had a Christmas program at school! If you haven't figured out by now, Susie doesn't love organized events and standing still is not her thing. I wasn't surprised when her teacher text me a few days before the program to say Susie was running away during practice and they weren't sure if she would participate the night of the program. After some discussion we decided we would go, and just see what happened. 

We got to the school a few minutes before the program started and changed Susie in the car. She wasn't happy to be at school, at night so I wasn't having high hopes for her participation. When we got inside, they met us at the door with her belt. The teachers told us to put it under her dress and to not take her in until the program was ready to start. They had seats saved for us in the front row and a seat for one of us to go up front with her. It was off to a great start, and they had thought of everything to help her succeed. Minutes before show time, she discovered the cookie table. I tried my best to deter her, and the teachers told me to let her have one, and she could take it with her. 

When the other children came out, Susie went up with her dad. She stayed up there the whole time. She smiled and didn't cry or run away. When it came time to say her name, Ty announced it to the crowd. It was so exciting to see her up on stage enjoying herself. The other kids were happy to see Susie and a few of them told me she was their best friend! 

When the program was over, I couldn't help but cry happy tears. I not only was excited to see Susie participate and stay on stage, but I was taken aback by how well her teachers know her. They worked above and beyond to ensure she had a successful program. We are very thankful for all they do and they helped Susie have a special night with her classmates! 

Selfie why we waited!

We are getting the hang of this bow thing!

End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!

 Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...