A few weeks ago, I shared with my Facebook friends, but Susie had a huge milestone when she sat through church. It was the first time Susie has been able to make it through the whole sermon without being taken out of the sanctuary. This was huge, she sat with me in the back of the church. It was amazing and we were so proud of her!
Saying a little prayer!
We made it through church!
During this time, Susie was developing a horrible habit of chewing/eating things. She was eating dirt, snow, crayons, rocks, lotion...EVERYTHING. We decided to get her iron checked, it was good. So, we decided that maybe she was doing it because she was seeking sensory input. We had tried a couple of chewies without much success. A chewy is an oral sensory tool that help children that can help satisfy sensory needs. One day her OT at school was having a lot of trouble keeping her out of the snow/mud so they tried a new chewy and she loved it! We bought one for home, and it has been a life saver! We attach it to a clip, and she wears it most the day, she has begun to rely on it more than putting foreign objects in her mouth.

It looks like she's smoking a pipe, but I promise it's just her chewy!
Susie's teachers also have noticed a big difference in her at school. While playing outside this week, she did not try to eat dirt near as often and played on the playground while using her chewy! She ate a snack of carrots and cucumber, which she had never done before. Also, for the first time ever, she sat on the carpet next to a friend without her special chair that she normally uses. Now, it hasn't stopped her from stealing the butter, cream cheese, and milk from the fridge. Baby Steps!

Susie sitting next to her friends at school on the carpet.
Susie also went to a basketball game to watch her siblings and helped at practice one night this week.
Susie has been a very busy girl, but in her free time she likes to pick out her own wardrobe!
Susie's preschool celebrated Super Bowl Week! Susie says "Go Taylor Swift!"
Thank you for following along with us on our journey. We are so blessed with the love and support of our friends and family. Susie is one loved gal! We appreciate all of you that take time to read our updates!