Just like that, Summer is over and we are 2 weeks into school!! I had so much anxiety about the change this school year would bring! Sam started 7th grade, Sally 5th grade, and Susie Claire headed to Kindergarten. I was nervous for Susie and I to be in the same building, and sending your baby to kindergarten is hard, no matter what.
Susie has done amazing so far. She is getting into a good sleeping routine and is making it through the day without a nap. She is cooperating to get her hair done and clothes on in the mornings. She was not getting up until about 10 so this is a big change. She walks down the hall and carries her own backpack. She loves the paras and teachers and is responding well in therapies. She's eating well at lunch and loves the playground. This week she even pooped on the big girl potty! She is utilizing her AAC more as well!
Coloring in Art Class
Playing with her paras.
I try my best to not let her see me, and to not respond when I hear her (happy or mad). I do peek in every once in a while and watch her swing at recess from a window! After school she waits for me with a para and then I either take her straight home or she sits at a table and has a snack while she waits for me. She has done so well so far, and I can't wait to see how much she grows this year!