Friday, August 25, 2023

Typically Developing - it looks differently for everyone

As many of you know, this journey with Susie has caused us all a lot of emotions. I sometimes get caught up in the fact that Susie does things differently than other children her age. I struggle every time I hear words like typical, normal, or average because on paper Susie does not check all the boxes for a child her age. I also get emotional when I see another child her age speaking in full sentences or engaging in activities Susie is not yet able to do. 

Susie is a wonderful, sweet, and loving little lady. However, that doesn't mean that there aren't hard days or moments where Susie's speech delay causes us all to get frustrated. While most of the time we know what Susie wants, that's definitely not the case all the time. This can oftentimes lead to Susie getting really upset because she doesn't have the words to tell us what she needs.

Susie is not interested in many toys, her main motivation is food! When we go to the store she wants cupcakes or chips, not a doll. This has led us to have to buy food and let her eat throughout the store. 

Susie loves to push things, and likes anything that swings, spins, or moves in any way. 

Susie is very messy when she eats. Often leaving quite a mess behind at a restaurant (we are good tippers). Also, it is hard for us to know what she wants sometimes, so we often have to try multiple times to get it right. 

New things are sometimes difficult for Susie, and it takes her a while to warm up to things. For example, Susie loves the pool. However she loves the Hamilton Public Pool, any other pool takes some time for her to adjust. 

We recently went to a parade, Susie did not care about collecting candy, or being among the other children. She was perfectly happy watching from a distance, on my lap, eating chips. 

Susie is rarely ever quiet, she has a lot to say without using words. This can sometimes be misconstrued for bad behavior because it is hard to tell when she is happy or sad but in reality she is almost always happy, just loud!

Susie doesn't love to sit, her body is consistently in motion. 

Susie loves her iPad, and listens to music but doesn't often watch TV or movies. 

It is easy to get caught up in the fact that Susie isn't at the same level as her peers in many areas. However, Susie is our normal and she is perfect in every way. 


  1. Your information about Susie is eye opening for me. She is a ray of sunshine sent from God!

  2. Obvious that Susie is a blessing and you and Ty are wonderful parents ❤️


End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!

 Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...