I have talked a lot about the fact that Susie doesn't communicate verbally but I haven't talked much about how she DOES communicate.
One thing to know about Susie is that she is extremely independent. Susie gets what Susie wants when she wants it, and those close to her usually know what she needs/wants. Susie is also a problem solver, and has figured out how to navigate many difficult tasks.
One example is when Susie wants a drink. Susie won't ask for a drink but she will get a cup and a bottle of propel and bring it to one of us to help her. If the bottle is still in a package, you get the whole package in your lap.
Another example is food. Susie loves popsicles, so she climbs into the freezer to get one, and brings it to someone to open it.
Susie loves butter. So, she will get the butter out of the fridge, a butter knife, and bread so someone can help her make a butter sandwich. She will do the same with peanut butter.
Susie will move chairs, climb cabinets, or get the desired item to get assistance.
Susie also grabs us by the finger and leads us where she needs us to go to help her.
We know when Susie wants to go to the pool, she grabs her swimsuit and puddle jumper and hands it to you until you oblige. She also gets sunscreen and hands it to someone to help her! When we leave the house and don't turn towards the pool...she communicates her distaste quite well.
When Susie is cold, she will back into you and wrap your arms around her.
Susie understands a lot and follows directions (when she wants). When we say "Susie bath" she runs to the bathroom for her nightly bath.
When we say "watch for Annie" (Annie is her driver to school) Susie goes to the window to watch. We can also tell her "time to go bye bye" and she will grab her shoes!
Although we are struggling to get her to go potty in the toilet, Susie knows when it's time to be changed. She will get a diaper, and wipes and lay down. (You would think potty training wouldn't be hard, right?)
Susie hugs, and kisses her loved ones. She also shows affection by throwing her head at your lips (yes, it's led to a few sore noses). She also loves to pet people's arms (usually complete strangers) and will bring your hand to her head as a term of endearment.
So next time you see Susie, and she plays with your arm, consider yourself loved!
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