Saturday, August 19, 2023

Why doesn't Susie talk?

Susie went to the Gas and steam engine parade!!

The million dollar question is, Why doesn't Susie talk, or when will she start talking? And the painful, honest truth is, we don't know.

 Susie started saying a few words at an early age but then completely stopped. Susie makes noises and sounds but doesn't use words or mimic others. As I mentioned before, Susie was evaluated by the school district and it was determined she qualified for special education services. Along with going to an early childhood special education preschool, she receives speech and occupational therapy. We know she hears well, she has been tested a couple of times. Schools are not equipped to give medical diagnosis, they determine if a child meets eligibility for an IEP through academic testing. 

The next step for Susie is a medical evaluation through Children's Mercy. It a grueling process, and honestly one that has caused many tears as I fill out paperwork about the development of Susie. As a special education teacher, I understand the paperwork and have given it to many parents. However being on the other side is emotional. Once we get our paperwork done, and her school gets theirs done, we will be scheduled for an evaluation date. It's a long waiting process but hopefully this will give us more insight into how Susie learns and get us on the right path to growing and excelling. 

A medical diagnosis will not answer our burning question of "when will Susie talk?" The truth is, she might not. Therefore we must figure out ways to help her communicate more clearly (because she does get her point across without words.)We are currently waiting on all the equipment to set her up with an AAC device, which is an iPad that will be used as a communication device. If you know Susie, she runs an iPad better than most adults! 

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