Sunday, August 13, 2023

Year 3 - an Eventful One

By the time Susie turned 3 in 2022 it became more apparent that she was significantly delayed in academic learning as well as language. Due to traditional social norms, we tried our hardest to potty train Susie, which would lead to crying, screaming, and fit throwing, Susie didn't love it either. Susie was not interested in activities that involved sitting and did not have the attention span to do much learning. At this point I was starting to rack my brain and tried to come up with ways to help her overcome her challenges, but I had little to no luck. Susie was not sleeping well, and it was taking a toll! Not to mention she had frequent, recurring ear infections. Finally in May 2022 she got ear tubes put in. It helped her feel a little better but wasn't the magic fix I was hoping for! At this point we were still just waiting, hoping any day that her language would pick up. I found myself in a little bit of denial. Only a few people knew how delayed she was. I felt very protective of her, and felt a need to shelter her. God had other plans and in October of 2022 our lives took a turn...

Susie does a lot of crazy things...but the time she got in the bath fully clothed.
 with a chicken leg and a fork was one of our favorites!! 

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End of Year Picture Recap - September, and October!

 Hello friends. It has been a while since I have updated about Susie. Life has been super busy, and Susie has made a whole lot of progress. ...